Friday, June 1, 2007

Verse of the Day

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Paul, Paul, Paul...what can I say?lol Honestly, I truly believe that Paul had such amazing insite, and I am truly amazed at what we can learn from Paul if we actually take the time to just absorb bits and pieces. I always try to have verses that I place special emphasis on when I am reading the word. I almost always try to read at least one chapter (sometimes several depending on how I feel led), but always there is something specific for me to focus on, some special message that is what I need to hear at that moment.

These verses are truly amazing. I want to break it down for a minute. These things cannot separate us from the love the Jesus Christ has for us:
1) neither death nor life-well, we are either alive or we are dead, so that sums up the entirety of our being...cannot get any simpler than that
2) neither angels or demons-these are the supernatural, heavenly beings that do exist. no matter what happens, they cannot separate us from the love Jesus has for us
3) neither present nor future-well, the past is just that; neither the "now" nor the "tomorrow" can separate us from that love
4) nor any powers-notice it says any powers
5) neither height nor depth-now, this could be literal, but I really feel like this is more symbolic in nature
6) nor anything else in all creation-well, that pretty much covers it all...actually, these two verses cover everything. Nothing can separate us from the love that Jesus has for us. Nothing.

I don't know about you, but this gives me comfort. It gives me peace. Even if my life is chaotic and in turmoil, I have that rock, that foundation that the sureity of the love that my God, my Jesus, has for me.


Anonymous said...

That is truely amazing, when we feel we are all alone, we have comfort that he is there

Sandy said...

Yes, and I have to say that it really helps me when I think about that...sometimes I have to focus, but the fact remains that He is always with me and truly wants what is best for me, despite my many