Monday, June 4, 2007

Verse of the Day

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Psalm 84:11

I truly have a hunger for God's word. I have to read it daily and feel myself spiritually. I can read a verse today that I have read before, and today the meaning can be different than it was before. I just have to remember that the word is living and active, so it makes complete sense that the meaning can grow, if you will. By different, I don't mean that it does not mean today what it meant last week, but more so that it means that plus something new.

Today's verse just stresses how awesome God is to us. He is a sun. The sun keeps the earth alive in so many ways, and God is that and more to us. He is a shield. He will protect us from out enemies. He will do bestow favor and honor to us if we truly try to live according to his guidelines and not ours.

Some may ask what is a blameless walk? No one is perfect, so no one can achieve this. Some people may say that as long as you do what is best for you, then everything is all good, so there is no blame. However, my feeling is that a blameless walk is a walk where we truly look to the word to dictate our steps. We pray and seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit. We truly strive to do God's will in our lives, versus our own will. This can be very difficult at times because the "flesh" part of us truly desires to do what "feels right" versus what is right. The awesome thing is that we don't have to be perfect, but we want to strive to do what's right in God's eyes because that is what he desires from us. By doing this we can achieve a blameless walk. It's o.k. to mess up, we just need to confess and really work on changing those behaviors which we know are not in line with God's will.

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