Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Verse of the Day

"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Jeremiah 29:11

I have referenced this verse in the past, but I felt led to reference it again today. Life has a way of getting to me sometimes. Some days it will be time to go to bed, I will be ready to go to bed, and there are things undone. I feel like the "rut" (the routine of my life) is out of control. I feel like I need more time in the day (I live by myself, too...imagine if I had a family). I am sure most of you have had those days, weeks, months even, where it just seems like there is too much on your plate. I had some wierd dreams last night....I bought some flowers this past weekend, and have not been able to plant all of them. I was actually bothered enough by that last night that it disturbed my sleep. I did have a laugh that I was letting the thought of my flowers "not making it" bother my sleep. However, I heard a song this morning on my way to work, and I realized two things:

1) No matter what each day holds, in the big scheme of things it's out of my control, and I just have to focus on the big with Jesus one day, and let go of the "things" that can creep in my life like ivy on an old building, and focus on the good and positive blessings in my life.
2) God does have me in His heart, in His hands and He is my Father who loves me very much and has things for me that I cannot even imagine. I am the daughter of a king, and as such I have nothing to worry about because He has great things planned for me.

Is it easy to keep this perspective? Not at all. However, it does get a little easier every day, I just have to stay the course and persevere.


Anonymous said...

Jesie knows an Angel!

Sandy said...

Jessie is too generous. :)

Anonymous said...

Persevere is the word. I am working on that.....
Everyday, some better then others.
I just wounder how many pieces am I'm supposed to split into?

I'm not....... I am to be strong however In order for that I need to pray and believe.

Truly believe

Sandy said...

You know I am praying for you, and am here whenever you need to talk. You know I love you! You are a great mom, a great wife, a great friend, a great person! Don't forget that, ever! I love you!