Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Verse of the Day

I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from? Psalm 121:1

Where does my help come from indeed? What a question. I have had such a long day. I just completed a long 4 hour drive after a busy day, and a day of travel yesterday. Let me tell you, I was relying on Jesus to keep me alert and safe for the drive, and here I am safe and sound at the hotel. I did have people praying for me, so that is always reassuring.

Sometimes, I just feel like life is spiraling out of my control. I guess I should just learn to let life go, and give control to God. Some days I think I have that down, and then I realize that I have not just laid something down at the cross, and that I am "stressing" about something. Ultimately, if I have not control over the situation, I know it's best if, rather than "stressing", I just pray and lay it at the foot of the cross. Jesus wants to help us bear our concerns, no matter how small or large they seem.

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