Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Verse of the Day

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phillipians 4:8

Truly, I want my thoughts to be Christ's thougths. This morning I prayed that...actually, I try to surrender myself every morning to Christ. My thoughts, my life, my will, etc. I want my decisions to come from God's will in my life, and therefore my thoughts truly need to be surrendered to him daily. It's amazing how much our brain can screw us up. Due to life, most of us struggle with insecurities, anger, etc. These thoughts will control our actions, our words, basically our lives. So, when I find myself thinking of things which bring me distress, and I really have to give them to the Lord, and pray that my thought are captured by his grace and power. At times like these, the Holy Spirit is my biggest ally, and I rely on Him as much as I rely on the air to breathe. I realize that in order to really become like Christ, which is what born again Christians are called to do, I have to give control of my thoughts to God DAILY. Understand, our thoughts will try to betray us daily, we just have to yield control to the Lord and trust in Him.

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