Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Verse of the Day

When I am afraid, I will trust in you. Psalm 56:3

Who among us has not experienced fear at some point in their life? Some have a "physical fear", meaning they fear doing certain things because of the potential physical repurcusions (i.e. pain). Others have "emotional fear", meaning they have emotional wounds that go deep which can often time paralyze their life. Still others have "spiritual fear", which can be ambiguous, but may mean the fear to trust in anything, including the Lord, or the paralyzing fear of trying to live a perfect life because of the results if you don't.

Regardless of what kind of fear you have, remember that the Lord wants us to trust in Him. Not in ourselves, because we will mess things up, but in HIM! Easy to do? If you are willing to give control to the Lord, it is, but that can oftetimes be a struggle.

Physical fear can often times be justified, but when it affects our lives to the point that our growth is "stunted" by it, then it becomes a block in our spiritual growth and development because we are allowing the fear to control us.

Emotional fear can lead to more confusion, pain, bitterness, anger, etc. You name a negative emotion, and emotional fear can lead down that path, and like physical fear this can affect our spiritual relationship with the Lord. When emotional wounds have been deep, it is essential to realize where we need healing, and to pray about it and if possible discuss with another believer so that they can offer some wisdom and pray as well. However, too often people become comfortable in their emotional fear zone, and refuse to branch out and heal. Turn it over to God. He wants to heal our hurts and help us to learn and grow and move on with our lives.

Spiritual fear can be the most damaging if we do not address it. The reason being, out of all 3 types of fears discussed, this can lead to people literally cutting the Lord out of their life permanently. Especially during these times turn to the word for guidance, pray, and seek counsel from other believers (a pastor would be an excellent champion during times like this).

Today, if you are experiencing fear of any kind, turn it over to the Lord and place your trust in Him. He is faithful and just.

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