Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Verse of the Day

Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." Galatians 4:6

Today I really felt the need to cry out "Abba, Father" to God. My heart is heavy in many ways, and my Spirit feels broken (not permanently, but never the less, as I write this I have tears streaming down my face).

Through the unfathomable sacrafice of his son Jesus, God gave the Spirit back to man. That "Gad shaped hole" that I was referring to yesterday can only be filled by the Spirit, and when you allow that relationship to grow, you have an awareness of the Trinity that cannot really be put into words; however, as you continue to grow you become more and more aware of the many different types of relationships that the Lord wants to have with you.

God is the ultimate Father. He is holding me in the palm of his hands right now, and feels my pain. He knows my tears and my hurts more than anyone ever could, and he wants to and will heal me. He will make me stronger through my pain, and I will ultimately be able to use this, like all things, to bring glory to the Lord. However, for the moment it is comforting to me to know that He is Abba, Father, and that I can cry out to him "Daddy, I need you" as a child who is afraid of the dark and cries out to her father.

Today, if you have any pain, cry out Abba. God wants to help you, he is your Father and you are so very precious to Him.


Anonymous said...

God wants to help you, he is your Father and you are so very precious to Him.

YES- YOU ARE and to me too.


Sandy said...

Jessie, you are so very precious to me, too. I could not put in words what you mean to me, and I hope you know that.