Monday, May 7, 2007

Verse of the Day

He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40:2

When life just seems to be too much (and believe me, I know that can happen often-for me I was feeling really overwhelmed last week), I just have to say "Lord, I give my life to you". It's really a visual act in my mind (as odd as that sounds). I picture me giving my problems, my blessings, everything to God. Sometimes even the blessings can wear us down. A good job, good house, good relationship, etc. When there are multiple "issues" with life that we are facing, it's good to know that the Lord is everlasting and faithful, and the he is our rock and foundation, on whom we can stand. Today, Lord, I give everything to you and put my trust in you.


Anonymous said...

I also put my trust in You too.

You are a "ROCK"


Sandy said...

Jessie, I trust you, too, and I thank you for your friendship, and I am grateful for your friendship.