Monday, July 2, 2007

Verse of the Day

Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God". Matthew 22:29

There are instances in the Bible where people were always trying to trip Jesus up with "tough questions". Every time this happens, he always amazes the people. Despite repeated attempts to impugn His integrity and knowledge, He always had just the right answer. And His answers always referred to the word (at that time it was just the Old Testament).

I think this response summarizes all of the others. If you truly spend time reading the word and learning scriptures, and you spend time with God in prayer getting to know Him, you will gain a better understanding of the power that God has. Will we ever have the understanding that Jesus had? I know that in this lifetime we will not, but who knows what the future holds? However, this verse does exemplify the fact that Jesus wants us to spend time in the word. For me, I have to read the word daily. It's my spiritual food. I really try to learn more on a daily basis about what God is saying to me through His word. Some days I read more than others, but I almost always read something daily, and if I happen to miss a day I can really tell. I find it comforting to read this verse and know with sureity that there is Power in the Word of God.


Anonymous said...

Interesting read! I might RSS your blog so as to read your posts! :)

Sandy said...

Thank you. :)