Monday, July 23, 2007

Verse of the Day

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

I really learn alot reading God's word. I try to read daily, although I do not always get to read as much as I would like. God's word is truly a light for path, a lamp for my feet. It helps me to stay on the right path in life (although I often find myself straying). However, His word just puts life into perspective, and through His word I find myself really becoming a better me.


Anonymous said...

"God's word is truly a light for path, a lamp for my feet. It helps me to stay on the right path in life (although I often find myself straying)".
Im surprised, you would never stray. ever.
Its funny how we hold some people to higher standards and really we shouldnt expect anything different from them. Faith in Jesus is Salvation. Faith in people - is a myth.

Sandy said...

True...I don't have faith in people. I just accept them. However, I do have to be accountable for myself, and I have certain expectations for my behavior.

Anonymous said...

Reading God's word also gives me encouragement, motivation and better understanding than people do(in many situations).

Have a great day! :)

Anonymous said...

"However, I do have to be accountable for myself, and I have certain expectations for my behavior".

what are your expectations for your behavior?
What does that mean? Do your expectations change and then you justify them sometimes?
I think that happens to all of us. what do you think?

Sandy said...

To truly try to live a life that exemplifies the teachings of Jesus Christ. I struggle daily, but He is my role model.

Sandy said...

As to whether or not I change those expectations for myself, the answer is no. Does that mean I am perfect? No, but I when I deviate from what I feel is the right behavior, I don't make excuses or try to find justifications for my behavior. I look to make changes.