Friday, July 27, 2007

Verse of the Day

Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment. John 7:24

Jesus was having a conversation when He made these statements. He was being confronted by men who were angry and judging Him for healing a man on the sabbath. His point was, "Hey, look at the whole picture, and the overall good". Basically, let's use common sense when faced with situations, and even though something may appear to be wrong, and may go against what we consider the "norm", that does not mean that it actually is wrong. Especially if the motives are pure and moral. So, even when we may not like the hair style, or the clothing, or etc. (there can be so many) that is associated with someone, we need to look at the big picture, and that includes the way we should treat others despite the fact that they may not be the same us.

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