Thursday, July 12, 2007

Verse of the Day

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

Who has ever said something to another person that just drags that person down? Something mean and hurtful, either out of anger or out of hurt. I know in the past that I have, and I have some regrets.

The Lord has changed me tremendously. Life sometimes throws curve balls at us. One of the lessons that I have learned as a person is that each of us has good qualities. None of us are perfect. It is much better to build people up rather than put them down. All of us desire to hear good, positive things. It really is much nicer to hear someone say "Good job" rather than "what were you thinking, you moron"? Today, I feel convicted to lift people up, and to really see their needs versus the problem, if that makes sense. There are so many people hurting today, and kind words can make such a difference in a person's day. Practice random acts of kindness, and think about what you say before you say it. None of us are better than anyone else. None of us.


Berlzebub said...

Sandy, here's my latest response to you.

I hope your flu is better. Summer flus always made me feel the worst. Whether because I couldn't go and enjoy the outside, or if they truly were worse than other flus, I don't know. But I hated getting them.

Anonymous said...

"None of us are perfect. It is much better to build people up rather than put them down."


Sandy said...


It may be a few days...will be busy, but I will respond on your blog as well to let you know.


I am far from perfect. I do make mistakes, and there have been actions from my past and things that I have said in the past that I would take back if I could, but I can't. The only thing I can do is move forward try to be a better me today than I was yesterday. I will always make mistakes, yet I will always see them as a learing.